Brown Vegan

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Why "What The Health?" Is Making Folks Go Vegan

I spoke to one of my vegan friends about the What the Health documentary yesterday.

She asked me why I think the documentary has such mainstream appeal.

To be honest, I didn't even realize the documentary was doing so well until I noticed a massive influx of Instagram & YouTube followers and podcast downloads.

Last week on Instagram live, my new folks (heyyy, y'all!) said they found me while searching for vegans after watching the doc.

The impact has been incredible for sure!

The truth is, I think the title is why most folks hit that Netflix play button to watch. Peeps are browsing Netflix and thinking,"Yeah, I want to improve my health" and have no idea it's about going vegan.

Let's keep it real, the average person sees the word "vegan" as a cuss word. Just saying...I used to be one of those people. lol

Here's how I know most people are probably unaware about the topic before watching...

Back in 2010, I saw a paparazzi picture of Victoria Beckham holding a book called Skinny Bitch.

I thought it was a weight loss book and immediately bought it -- having no idea it was about veganism. I was blown away!

I had no desire to go vegan, but after reading it, I knew I needed to make a change!

Whatever it takes to get folks to:

  • See the cruelty of factory farming

  • Understand how our food choices affect other people (usually poor people) just as much as animals

  • Eat more fruit and vegetables

  • Protect our planet for future generations all good with me!

It's all about planting the seed and helping folks start a simple and long-term vegan life! :-)


I know what it feels like to want to make a lifestyle change, but have no idea where to start.

I ate sunflower seeds and water for 2 weeks after reading Skinny Bitch because I had no idea what to eat!

You don't have to do this alone!

Zero to Vegan will give you the step-by-step guide on how to start your vegan journey in a delicious and practical way.

When you sign up you will receive:

  • Meal plans

  • Audio and video training with strategies on how to ditch dairy, how to eat out as a vegan, etc.

  • 30-page workbook

  • Private Facebook group for support

>>> Get the course here <<<

Let me know if you have any questions about the course!