vegan kids

Why My Kids Aren't Vegan

One of the questions I get quite often is whether or not my hubby & kids are vegan.

In this video, I share that answer and some tips on how to start a vegan journey with your family.

Click below to watch....

When we started this journey back in 2010, I wanted everyone to be vegan.

I remember being conflicted because my two older kids would go to their dad's house on the weekends, so it was hard for them to maintain there.

These days, my kids eat vegan at home and have the option to eat what they choose while dining out.

I know this may not be the most popular way to do it, but we all have to do what works best for our family situation.


Tips on how to get your kids to eat more vegetables and vegan meals:

  • Add greens to your kids' smoothies--perfect with breakfast and as a snack. Spinach is a great start because you don't taste it.
  • Add an extra vegetable to the dinner plate to help crowd out some of the meat and dairy.
  • Make a vegan version of some of their favorite meals, so it doesn't feel like you're making a huge sacrifice. 
  • Get your kids involved in meal planning, grocery shopping, and cooking --Kids are less likely to reject something they helped put together.
  • Be clear about why you're going vegan -- Have a conversation with your family and watch documentaries together.
  • Be gentle with yourself and your family as your transition to vegan life -- It's a process and takes time to get adjusted to this amazing new lifestyle. You can do it!


Resources mentioned in the video:

Store bought vegan chicken nuggets are the Gardein brand -- you can find their products in the frozen section at most grocery stores.

The homemade vegan chicken recipe is here 


Is everyone in your house vegan or is your approach similar to mine?

Leave me a comment


What Should I Do If My Kids Don't Like Vegetables? | Q&A

I answered this question on my YouTube channel the other day, but wanted to share it here because I know so many people struggle with getting their kids to eat vegetables.

Q: It seems like you are the only vegan African American woman on YouTube with older children that can relate to me. I am new to eating a plant-based diet and I want to transition my two children whom is 9 and 8 years old. I'm having a hard time with my youngest because he only like corn, carrots, green beans, peas and lettuce. Any advice?

A: I can relate! My son Elijah didn't like any vegetables when we started this lifestyle.

Here are some tips....

  • Make sure you keep putting vegetables he doesn't like on his plate (even if it's just a tablespoon) because exposure is so important. 
  • Just say no to bland and mushy veggies! Be sure to season your vegetables and don't overcook them - A little salt, pepper and garlic powder goes a long way -- Roasted, lightly steamed and sautéed vegetables are much more appealing.
  • Let your son explore the produce department once a month.  Encourage him to pick out something to try, then go home and cook it together. It's hard for most kids to turn down food they cooked. lol.
  • Add about a cup of fresh spinach (spinach is a good start because you can't taste it) and other greens to smoothies you make at home. This is a delicious and sneaky way for him to get more greens.  Check out Green Simple Smoothies' Instagram page for recipes.
  • Have fun, be gentle with him and I promise it get better.

The fact that your son likes green beans and peas is amazing! Most people don't even like those vegetables. lol

Good luck! :-)


Check out these previous posts for more tips...

Video tips from my son Elijah on how to get kids eat better

How to deal with picky eaters

I hope this question helped you with your own family. I promise it will get better with consistency. My son, Elijah eats a lot more vegetables these days and is really open-minded about food overall. :-)

If you need more strategies on how to get your family to embrace a vegan lifestyle with you, get vegan family starter guide here.

Carrot, Apple & Ginger Juice | Ooh, Baby I Like It Raw #2

The best way to get kids to make healthier choices is by getting them in the kitchen to help. 

Bran is a juicing beast and helped me put together this sweet and delicious fresh juice.

I love to keep my juice and smoothies simple with just a few ingredients. This one only has 3 ingredients and of course I had to serve it on the rocks. Cold juice, baby!

Fresh Carrot, Apple & Ginger Juice

by Brown Vegan

Keywords: raw beverage vegan


  • About 10 carrots
  • Small knob of ginger root, peeled
  • 4 apples


Run the carrots through a juicer

Next add in the ginger

Finally run the apples through the juicer


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What's your favorite juice combination? Leave me a comment :-)

Chocolate Frozen Pops Recipe

My boys love playing in the kitchen. Measuring ingredients, pouring and of course testing whatever you're making. It's such an awesome way for us to spend quality time together.


I know it's cold outside but we made chocolate pops the other day. It hit my chocolate craving spot! Even though there's canned coconut milk in this recipe, I didn't taste it much (the boys agreed).

I got the idea for this recipe from Daphne Oz after seeing it in her cookbook a while ago. I think she used honey (which isn't vegan) instead of maple syrup and salt. I didn't think salt was necessary.

When you make it, let me know if you taste the coconut or whether or not you used salt.

Chocolate Frozen Pop

by Brown Vegan

Prep Time: 5 mins active 5 hours inactive

Ingredients (9 small pops)

  • 14 oz canned coconut milk, unsweetened (I use full fat)
  • ¼ cup all-natural maple syrup
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • ¼ teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • (9) 3 oz Dixie cups
  • 9 small popsicle sticks


In a blender, mix together the coconut milk, maple syrup, cocoa powder & vanilla.

Pour the mixture into each cup and place into the freezer.

Freeze for about 1 ½ hours, then add in the sticks.

Continue freezing overnight or for about 5 hours.

When you’re ready to eat, rip the paper cup off of the chocolate pop and enjoy!

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Currently Reading: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

"I Hated Vegetables" Food Talk with Elijah


I had a great time recording this video with my son, Elijah. We talked about some of his favorite foods, how he feels about this vegan lifestyle now (3 years later), and he also offered tips for families interested in eating more vegan meals.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more vlogs and cooking videos

Elijah's tips:
*Don't tell your family the food is vegan
*Don't bring the kids to the grocery store... for a while
*No lecturing or forcing kids to eat the food
*Find a compromise that works for the family-our compromise is vegan meals at home and you can eat whatever you want elsewhere

Check out these posts from the archives on how we're navigating this vegan life as a family.

"Are Your Kids Vegan, Too?"
"My Struggle with Transitioning My Kids to Vegan Eating"
"Letting it Go...For Now"