Exercise Schedule? Mrs. New Booty #3

"Mrs. New Booty" is a blog series I started to document my weight loss journey.

Read the other posts here.

I know how I am.

I am the queen of sporadic workouts.  I can go to the gym for two weeks straight and don't go again for another 3 weeks.  I told y'all the exercise struggle is real in my world.  

I have to commit to specific days and goals.

I've decided to start with two set workout days a week. I will jog/brisk walk 4 miles on  Sunday mornings and weight training on Wednesdays. It doesn't really sound like much but I'm happy with the start.

Maybe this small step will lead to me craving daily workouts. I can dream, right? lol

What does your workout schedule look like?

If you're working on a schedule like me, let me know the days you picked and what exercises you plan to do in the comments.


Social Accountability for Weight Loss-Mrs. New Booty #2

"Mrs. New Booty" is a blog series I started to document my weight loss journey.

Written on May 23rd

I really wasn't in the mood to exercise this morning. 

I was pumped for my morning jog last night, though.  I downloaded my podcasts (Ratchet & the Geek and The Read), pulled out my workout gear and set my alarm.

I woke up early, ate a banana, drank a cup of tea and played on YouTube for an hour. 


The struggle is real .

When Jason got up, he asked about my jog. When I told him I didn't go, he suggested we go on a walk.

We walked 2 miles and I munched on some rabbit food....

                I make better food choices when I exercise.

                I make better food choices when I exercise.

 Social accountability got me moving! If you're trying to lose a few pounds, ask someone you trust to keep you in line. 

Later this week, I will talk about setting a weekly workout schedule.

Thanks for reading! 

Weight Loss Update --- BETTER Outlook-Mrs. New Booty #1

Back in March, I made a post about wanting to lose 20 lbs by June. 

I really want to wear shorts that don't look like they belong to my mom! Real talk.

When I wrote that post, my weight was 161 lbs. A few weeks ago, I hopped on the scale and saw that I gained 5 more lbs. FIVE lbs! I got discouraged and lost interest in going to the gym.

I just checked my weight a few minutes ago.......

                        At least I lost those 5 lbs lol

                        At least I lost those 5 lbs lol

I don't plan to spend a lot of time focusing on the pounds this time around. Instead, I want to just get a solid workout routine and be a little more mindful about what I eat. No more pity parties!

Another weight loss challenge is going down!  I'm going to document the challenge here this time around to keep me accountable. 

I can do this!

P.S.  You're a vegan. Why are you having weight issues? I eat a lot of carbs! Pasta, fruit and vegan junk food. There's a misconception that vegans can't be overweight. Sadly, I contributed to that nonsense with this post.